#TBT – Frappuccinos and Fairy Tales

This entry was originally posted on a blog I was writing back in early 2012.  I recently had reason to go back and look for something in that blog, and I thought I’d share this again here.  And yes, I wrote this post before I became vegan.


Last weekend, the house got emptied and cleaned.  For the first time in my life, I didn’t feel agonized to see an empty house; I felt accomplished!  I’m so glad that part’s over.

Today was the start of a new season for frappuccino happy hour at Starbucks!  I held myself back until then to try the new Mocha Cookie Crumble frappuccino.  I even (yet again) skipped tiramisu as my weekly dessert to try this seemingly amazing treat.  As usual, though, I ordered it skinny with soy, but I kept the whip since it is new as well.  Oh.  My goodness.  I’m so glad I tried it.  Not as good as tiramisu, but very good.  I could almost eat the whip by itself, haha.

As I consumed my chocolatey treat, I read A Child’s Book of Stories, which I call “my fairy tale book.”  (Even though it’s not all fairy tales.)  My mum bought it for $4 from a homeschool bookshop when I was… maybe six or seven.  She never used it, and years later was going to get rid of it; however, it somehow intrigued me so I held onto it.

I never actually started reading it until late high school.  I decided that that’s the book I wanted to read to my growing child if I ever got pregnant, so I started reading it to check it out.  “Beauty and the Beast” became my absolute favourite.  Even though it is much different from the Disney version, my love for the story was again rekindled when I saw the play at Disney World for my senior trip.

I’m not sure why I stopped reading the book; it certainly wasn’t for boredom.

The new ABC show Once Upon A Time caught my interest from the beginning.  When the episode “Skin Deep” aired (about Beauty and the Beast), I knew I was definitely hooked.  I watched that episode more than twenty times in the next week.  I then wondered where my fairy tale book had gone.  Thankfully, I found it when I was packing up the house.  I set it aside to keep with me and not go into the storage unit.

Now that I have a few weeks to relax, I’m enjoying being able to read my precious fairy tale book <3.